Clearing The Air On Ozone: Part 2

Posted by on August 18, 2014 - zero

By David Bowers


In the first installment of this series, we examined the confirmable uses of ozone gas in the home aquarium. We saw ozone having a positive effect on the nitrogen cycle and doing a great job creating ultra-clear water conditions by breaking up suspended particles. We also examined the biggest myth of using ozone—that it will sterilize your water. It is true that ozone will kill bacteria, but we use ozone at a level far below what is required to kill the majority of bacteria.

Today we will look at the most common means of using ozone in the home aquarium and how to select the right system for creating and applying ozone.

Ozone is created by intense electrical discharges. In nature, that means lightning bolts. At home, we can also create ozone by using an electrical discharge device (imagine a spark plug and a current jumping the gap as air passes over it).

Skimmer injection

Ozone is a gas at room temperature, which makes injecting it into your skimmer an ideal application method. A skimmer draws air into its chamber at such an angle as to maximize …read more

Read more here: Saltwater Smarts



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