SPS Spotlight: The Many Shades Of Acropora Austera

Posted by on January 1, 2015 - zero

shades acro

What’s not to like about an Acropora species that comes in many different variations of color and growth forms, is beautiful, and not too difficult to find? Acropora austera certainly fits that description coming in a wide range of color forms and shapes. It is a fast growing hermatypic (reef building) coral which forms a thick, tree-like structure. Main branches are frequently fused, usually curve away from each other and usually taper at the ends. This coral forms numerous sub-branches which vary in size and also taper. Axial corallites are thick walled with small openings. Radial corallites are irregular in size and may be arranged in rows. Larger radial corallites project outwards and have wide square-shaped openings. As mentioned, A. austera comes in many colors, most commonly blue, purple, green or cream. Axial corallites are frequently blue or yellow.1